Tuesday, August 4, 2009

one year ago...

a lot happens in a year, as i've witnessed first hand. as of august 4th, 2008, i:

-was still working at my printing company job with one month left
-was living with my parents, since i'd sold my house in february and was preparing to move away
-was listening to a steady diet of anathallo, sigur ros, and jimmy eat world
-wasn't reading much
-was not sure why God was calling me to ministry
-would never have ever seen myself as a pastor, author, or any other type of vision-caster for others
-had money in my bank account
-felt comfortable with the church plant i was a part of (missio dei) but felt called to see so much more happen
-felt nominally part of the reformed church denom

as of august 4th, 2009, i:

-am starting my first job in a year at REI (starting this saturday!)
-live with two roomates, kris and george, in a small, ghetto apartment where rats and skunks apparently also live
-am listening to a steady diet of anathallo, sigur ros/riceboy sleeps, and jimmy eat world
-am reading a lot (just reread some yaconelli stuff, about to start dallas willard's book "the divine conspiracy")
-am figuring out why God called me to ministry and where that particular focus falls into
-am writing a book, helping out in leadership at church, and training to become a better church and civil leader
-have little money in my bank account
-feel comfortable at oasis but feel called to see much more happen
-feel very much a part of the vineyard denomination

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