so blogger, thank you.
music updates: not much to report. i go back to chicago from dec 16-27 and hope to finish everything there are far as recording and mixing. from there, i hope to master everything in cali. i also have two small shows, the 17th and 19. if you're out there, come check out either one of those shows. i'll be playing some of the new stuff.
i'm trying to finalize two more songs for the cd before next week. one is about hope and believing that there is something (Something) amazing in this world to look forward to and trust. the other song is a bit more complex.
it's about this burden i have for substitutionism. i went with my friend to santa monica pier yesterday. as we were walking back to the car, i saw this guy, about 100 feet away, whose legs were disfigured. his right leg wasn't straight... it was at about a 30 degree angle, lateral from his body. his left leg also did something similar. and both feet were turned dramatically inward. he had a few backpacks on and was either homeless or very poor.
it hurt to see him. honestly, it hurts me to type this. i want him to be out of that pain. i have no clue who this person is, didn't talk to him or anything. i hate seeing the pain of others, though. it feels like a knife in my stomach being turned, a physical stabbing pain going into my center. i wish i couldn't think or feel these things but i've always had these feelings and they're becoming more pronounced.
i hate seeing the pain in this world, the disfigurement of people who do not deserve such affliction. my inclination is to wish i could take that pain, physically and spiritually take that person's pain. however, i am reminded that a savior has already done that for me and you and everyone else here. nonetheless, i can't stop thinking like that. and i can't get that person out of my head. and that person's pain. i'm not sure what else to say... but yeah.
i'm commenting because i want you to add me...i have no damn idea how to add anyone, nor do i have any idea what i'm you, man...
and we procrastinate by reading blogs
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